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Delenta Is Planning a Crowdfunding Round

Hi there, Sam, founder of, here!

Hope you’ve been well and thank you for your continued support of us and the platform. We have some exciting news to share with you. We’re launching a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds among our community, customers and partners.We’re a fast-growing company with a proven track record of success. We’ve facilitated over 23,000 coaching sessions on our platform so far, serving customers in 20 different countries. We’re on track to reach $1 million in annual recurring revenue in the next 18 months.

We’re doing something different and innovative here. We plan on crowdfunding our next round of funding. We’d like to give you, our loyal and supportive customers, the opportunity to invest in our future and share in our success. We believe that crowdfunding is a great way to build a strong and engaged community around our vision and mission.

Why now: We've been consistently growing since we launched Delenta commercially back in 2020/21 and now we believe we've done enough to prove that there's a market and our capabilities to innovate in this space. However, we still believe there's a lot that needs to be done in this space to help more purposeful businesses to thrive. With AI technologies looming and other transformations that are taking place, we're hoping to stand out as a brand force for good and to help as many companies and people as possible. 

We also approached by many investors to fund Delenta and here are some examples:

Winning together with our community: For too long, pro investors have had an unfair advantage over regular folks when it comes to accessing hot Startups. By the time the public can invest, the pros have already cashed in, leaving the rest of us to chase after them.Delenta has succeeded because of the passion and feedback of our customers, supporters and community. They fought for us against the deep-pocketed competition and their help has made us a success. Now, it's time to give them a chance to share in the spoils of victory. They deserve to reap the rewards of the success they helped create!

A continued focus on Capital efficient growth: We believe better companies are built through struggle. Doing more with less is a big part of how we operate. Delenta has been a completely bootstrapped (self-funded) startup, with over $250k annual recurring revenue. This approach took a little longer to get going than spending a lot of cash, but we found that in the end it has allowed us to be more durable in the long run. My goal as a founder and CEO is to build a large independent company that endures beyond me. We’re just at the beginning.

An opportunity to do more for our customers: Our customers & strategic partners tell us that Delenta has the most comprehensive features they have ever used for their businesses.They have also asked us to do more for them like support more ways to communicate to their customers,  automate more of their business processes and leverage more data from their other tools. For early and mid-stage businesses, there is a demand for Delenta to play an even larger role in fostering a good relationships between their business and their customers.This crowdfunding round will help us accelerate creating the future our customers are asking and looking forward to.

Sam Samarasinghe
founder of Delenta
What's next? We’ll be launching our campaign in the coming weeks for our customers and partners, at which point we’ll share all of the details. In the meantime, please let us know you’re interested in this opportunity.

Sam Samarasinghe
founder of Delenta